hackathon project — ux/ui design

Unseen — Assisting students in discovering design

Unseen is a platform created to expose high school students to the various industries design plays a role in. The tablet application works to inspire and empower students to take their first steps in the industry and become the designers of the future though the use of gamification and engagement with their peers. This prototype was created in a team of two and was an entry in the Adobe x Amazon Creative Jam.

View Live Prototype

My Role

UX/UI Design
User Research

Team Members

Michael Brzuchalski


Adobe XD
Adobe Illustrator
Usability Testing


7 Days

the challenge

How might we...

Design a tablet app to provide a safe way for high school students (ages 13+) to #DiscoverDesign. This app should encourage students to do the following:

High-Level Goals

how to solve the problem

Design process overview

examine — user research

Understanding our users

We scheduled the first two days for user research to learn what exactly makes teenagers excited about certain careers as well as what puts them off about design as a life path. The responses were recorded and broke down into the following chart to better visualize the data.

Key Insights

We then analyzed this data to help us gain an understanding of the point of view of our audience in order to design the most effective solution. The information learned from the above research was summarized into the following user personas alongside with the predetermined audience to help us pinpoint our areas of focus.

understand — users and audience

Who are we designing for?

ideate — style guide

Visual Design

Working virtually proved to be a challenge when issues like typography and consistency came into play, and so we developed this style tile to reference throughout the project.

Colour Choices

ideate — generative brainstorming

Planning out our solution

This process was simplified though the key requirements dictated within the challenge, and so our method was to explore different ways to solve the problems and then brainstorm a way to combine these solutions into one, as well as address our areas of focus. After this we consolidated the final product into a site map to divvy up content.

experiment — prototyping


Throughout this competition we had access to a designer from Amazon to act as our mentor, and so we compiled our first prototype to show her and ask for feedback.

Suggested Improvements

experiment + distill — iteration two


The critique we got brought to light many issues within our work and our project improved substantially as a result. Listed below are a summary of the changes we made: 


Upon getting feedback that the navigation was confusing, we realized we’d have to simplify to something easier to understand. We decided to exchange the tabs for a hamburger menu.

Rewards System

The badges were an issue due to the fact that there was no incentive to collect them. We used gamification to make obtaining them more enjoyable and used them to obtain project feedback from designers!


In order to increase engagement we incorporated more of a community-driven element into the application. Badges allows users to post their projects and receive feedback from others.


Penny for my thoughts? 

Clarity is Key

Having to express every concept involved in why the app was designed the way it is taught my teammate and I how to properly convey our goals and solutions to another person.

The Future of Unseen

In the future, my teammate and I would’ve liked to conduct more usability tests on potential users. Additionally, we’ve considered redesigning the app in the future as a mobile app.

Keep in touch!
If you’d like to work together, or just check on what I’m up to, click any of the links below.

Designed with ♠ by Jasmine Bhogal